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Author Guidelines

Articles in foreign languages (English, Spanish, French or Italian) should be sent in the following format:

First Page: Start with the title of the paper, followed by the text. Do not enter the name of the authors or other elements that identify the authorship. The author's qualifications (metadata) are inserted in specific fields of the electronic form. The goal here is to ensure a blind peer review.

Paper title: The title should be brief, specific, and descriptive enough to represent the contents of the text.

Abstract: All articles submitted must include an abstract with a maximum of 250 words and simple space in between lines. The abstract should contain:

1. Objective of the article (mandatory);
2. Methodology (mandatory);
3. Originality or value (mandatory);
4. Conclusions (required);
5. Limitations of the research (if applicable);
6. Social and Practical implications (if applicable).

Keywords: Highlight at least three and at most six keywords representing the text’s content.

Acknowledgements. This is where the author expresses his/her gratitude to those who aided him/her in the preparation of the work. They should be mentioned at the end of the article.

Notes: Notes relating to the body of the article should come in the footnote at the end of each page.

Appendices. Appendices can be used in case of extensive lists, statistics, and other supporting elements.

Graphic materials. These pertain to the clear pictures and graphics (strictly indispensable to the clarity of the text) and each photo or graphic will come in the text. In addition, each will be sent in a separate file. If delivered illustrations have been published, indicate the source and the permission for reproduction.

Tables. They should be accompanied by a header that allows an understanding of the meaning of the information, even without reference to the text.

References. They should be phrased according to NBR 6023/2002 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) and listed in alphabetical order. There should be a single list at the end of the article. The accuracy and appropriateness of references to works that have been consulted and cited in the text should be the responsibility of the author. Information from personal communication, from work in progress, or from unpublished sources shall not be included in the reference list, but indicated in a footnote.
Do not use Author: data system. The format used by the journal is the bluebook system or the European system of footnotes, where the quote is indicated by superscript number and the reference mentioned in a footnote.

Recommendations. It is recommended that the norms of ABNT concerning submission of articles in periodicals (NBR 6022/2002), presentation of citations in documents (NBR 10520/2002), presentation of original (NBR 12256) standard for dating (NBR 5892), progressive numbering of the sections of a document (NBR 6024/2003), and abstracts (NBR 6028/2003) should be followed.

The journal reserves the right to make changes in the original normative order, spelling, and grammar in order to maintain the standard language, respecting, however, the authors' style.

Since 2009, we consider it useful to formulate some suggestions (not mandatory) to the authors based on the main grounds for refusal of articles in the previous years.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, explain it in the "Comments."
  2. The submission file should be in Microsoft Word, RTF, or OpenOffice format (provided they do not exceed 2MB).
  3. All links are active.
  4. The text should be single-spaced, using a 12-point font, employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). It should also insert figures and tables included in the text, and not at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements.
  6. The identification of authorship of this work was removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the confidentiality required for the peer review.

Copyright Notice

XXXX, I declare that in the event of acceptance of the unpublished article, the Brazilian Journal of Public Policy will have the copyrights relating to it.

(Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International).


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be available for other purposes or to third parties.


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