To rebound Ulysses: the ‘judicialization’ of politics as a mast where constitutional pre-commitments are tied to

Sandro Ballande Romanelli


Since the 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, expansion of legal instruments of protection and accommodation of a greater number of interests and orientations have led to the an increase of court ruling on political matters. This article proposes a review in the field of constitutional law and political science to study the legitimacy of the judiciary and its limits, when its decisions affect the allocation of public resources – a typical political issue. The legal method is not able to produce a social unit, as its decision-making process do not depends of political consensus. This article combines Political Science studies as well as Contemporary Constitutionalism authors, building a bridge that relies the contributions of Jon Elster and George Tsebelis (mainly in their analysis of political institutions with the constitutional theories that deal with the democratization of the judiciary) and the work of German Constitutionalist Peter Häberle (and his theory of the open society of constitution interpreters). This work aims to debate the issues of the current democratic arrangement in Brazil (post-88) and the search for legitimacy (in the sense of representativeness) of the Judiciary Power.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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