First, this bibliographic study aims to achieve an economic analysis of law, checking the legal issues of using economic principles. Based on this situation, to verify the compatibility between economic values and social values, it was suggested a dialog

Lucas Noura Guimaraes


Electric energy became, with the technology progress, an essential and indispensable consumer’s good related to the acknowledge of social welfare and the countries` economic development. Taking those characteristics into account, in such a way that no one has an access to electric energy denied, the Brazilian Federal Government has implemented the Luz para Todos Program – PLPT, that aims to universalize the electric energy public service to families located in rural zones. By the end of 2010, PLPT ends and, because of that, it is fundamental to analyze the Program`s effectiveness. Thus, visits and interviews took place in some families located in Tocantins State municipalities, so that we could obtain a Program sample for the social welfare realization and the growth of the economic activity. We decided not to use the Federal Government data, because this paper aims to analyze the Program effectiveness from the consumers view point, and not from the Government’s, a fact that created an original piece of work that serves as a counter-point to the widespread Government’s opinion about the Program. The research results certify that electric energy has changed people’s lives, opening a field of possibilities never imagined before, both with regard to leisure as in regard to economic production.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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