The construction of the right to development and its application

Priscila Benelli Walker


This paper presents the historical evolution of the right to development under an international Law perspective and its implementation through public policies. The main objective herein is the analysis of the historical process of construction that leads to the right to development. Initially, the right to development was attached to economic development, however through such process it was enhanced and expanded to guarantee some essential aspects of human life and all its potentialities. Through the analysis of international declarations, such as International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Declaration on the Right to Development, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, this paper intended to demonstrate that the sustainable development is a legal principle which resulted from the international consensus and the international legal system of environmental protection. In the second part, this paper examines the legal dimensions of public policies within the implementation of human rights as well as presents the parts that are related to its formulation, application and evaluation. At last the legal principle of sustainable development is analyzed within our political, economical and social reality through Brazilian public policies related to environment and food security. The value of this paper is the combination of the legal principle of sustainable development built through international Law and its implementation within public policies and the empirical demonstration of such combination through the evaluation of the rain forest action plan and the public policies on food security in Brazil.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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