The videoconference while public policy

Wagner Junqueira Prado


This paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of the development of a public policy to implement the use of videoconference in Brazilian criminal proceedings. Initially, it notes that the country spends many public resources, which could be used in priority areas, such as education and health, with the escort and transport of prisoners to enable them to take part in the hearings judicial proceedings. Clarifies that the technology currently available allows these hearings by videoconference, without the need of displacement of people and with great reduction in costs. Analyzes the concept of public policy and shows that the videoconferencing may be treated as a public policy. Advocates the implementation and enforcement shared, between the Executive and Judiciary, public policy in videoconference. Finally, proposes a configuration possible for the implantation of the judicial videoconference. Concludes that the adoption of a national system of videoconference linking prisons, forums and courts would as benefits the technological evolution of public service, the reduction of outgoings, better use of public resources and the speed in judicial procedures.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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