The Judicial Power and the implementation of public policies: the demarcation of Afro descendants lands in Brazil

Larissa Ribeiro da Cruz Godoy


The paper analyses the role of the Judiciary Power as for the unfolding of public policies. The subject of the so-called judicial activism is discussed within the context of the opinion given by the Brazilian Supreme Court on the ADI 3.239/DF, that is, a discussion related to the identification, delimitation and acknowledgment of vested rights, in the frame of occupied land by remnants communities of Afro ascendancy. The paper also discusses the pros and cons of an enlargement of the Constitution interpreters. In this sense, the amicus curiae and the public hearings are at large considered. There is a short report upon the judicial control of public policies, as well as to the judicial activism, with an aim of fixing a theoretical standpoint for the suggested analyses. Subsequently, the paper insists in the very importance of the enlargement of the number of judicial interpreters. The role of the amicus curiae is at the center of the discussion, especially as for the Brazilian Supreme Court decision make patterns. Finally, the paper argues for an inner reflection concerning the Brazilian Supreme Court role in the implementation of public policies, mainly in the realm of Afro descendants land property law.


ativismo judicial; amicus curiae; ADI 3.239/DF; territórios quilombolas.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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