Sixteen-year master plan for the reform of state apparatus (pdrae): introduction to critical analysis on the role of contemporary brazilian State

Bianca Tomaino de Souza


The present paper aims to establish brief analysis about the evolution of Social Organizations of Civil replacement assignments as part of the contemporary state. Th e reform of the Brazilian State has established itself as the measure found by the public in order to solve social problems, political and economic, symptoms of which broke out in the seventies, through the so-called endogenous crisis of the state. It should be noted also that democratic participation as the foundation of the State Apparatus Reform obstacle lies in the very contemporary notion of civil society, especially the Brazilian civil society, because of the inherent characteristics of the trajectory of their formation. It was necessary to devote special attention to the Brazilian context through multidisciplinary approach, establishing the academic dialogue between diff erent fi elds of knowledge such as law and political science. Th e document analysis as an empirical endeavor, it is also necessary to understand the phenomenon of regulatory conformed new strategy for management of the national state, under the promise of eff ective and backed by the Federal Constitution. When draft ing the Master Plan for Reform of the state apparatus (PDRAE), many of the arguments were directed to incipient form as the state administered both the economy and the provision of public services. It should be stressed also that the document that formalizes the administrative reorganization of the Brazilian State, PDRAE only indicated tasks to civil society through the creation of social organizations, regulated by law, without, however, allocate yourself obligations to assist in provision of public services historically a state responsibility.


Direito; Sociedade Civil; Reforma do Estado.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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